

徐熙娣(小S)最新創作曲《 Wonderful World》。小S首本漫畫書《心機母女》7月底出版,她書中自爆對女兒另類教育,小S說,跟女兒講床邊故事自導自演,但女兒毫不領情態度,讓她很抓狂,對媽媽的瘋狂行徑,許俏妞和Lily會見招拆招。




此書封面由小S親手設計,為達復古紙娃娃效果,她還要求老公Mike出馬修圖,更為兩個寶貝女兒自彈自唱,創作《Wonderful World》一曲 


公司同事拿了這本書借我,雖然只花了15分鐘看完,但是裡面某些對話、母女間的互動不斷的讓我不時的會心一笑,尤其聽了小S自創的Wonderful World,覺的好Sweet…總覺得不管小孩如何的調皮搗蛋,其實做父母的看到小孩的笑容,永遠都是甜甜上心頭……


I can see the sun I can see the trees
I can see the birds I can see the sky
I can see the ocean I can see the wind
Oh I can see the rainbow in your eye
Its a beautiful world      Its a beautiful world
Its a beautiful world     And I love the world
Even though sometimes I will feel so lonely
Even though sometimes I will want to cry
Een though sometimes
I will feel so sad But that is life, that is life
So cry it out, so laugh it out,
scream it out that is life
So cry it out, so laugh it out,
scream it out that is life

Who do you love the most? Mummy
Who loves mama? Mummy
Who loves mama? Me
Aiya, good girl.
Give me, cookie, what are you eating? Cookie
Elly can you sing the song?
那你要說 I love mama
I can see the sun I can see the trees
I can see the birds I can see the sky
I can see the ocean I can see the wind
Oh I can see the rainbow in your beautiful eyes
Do you love meimei? I dont love meimei
Do you love meimei? Say I love meimei
I dont love meimei



This article has 2 Comments

  1. 之前在康熙中聽過小s唱,不過加上和女兒對話…更有fU…


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